Levittown Construction Accident Injury Lawyer

Despite numerous safety regulations, working in construction can still be a dangerous profession. Every year, worksite accidents in Levittown result in devastating injuries or fatalities. After a workplace accident, an injured construction worker can often recover compensation for their damages through a personal injury lawsuit or workers’ compensation claim.

If you were severely injured in a workplace accident, you should meet with a Levittown construction accident lawyer to review your legal options. An experienced local attorney could fight for you and help secure compensation that covers the full value of your damages.

Most Common Types of Construction Accidents in Levittown

Construction workers perform many different tasks that could expose them to injury. Some of the most common accidents at construction worksites include, but are not limited to:

  • Falls from ladders, roofs, or scaffolding
  • Being hit by a falling object
  • Electrocution from an exposed wire
  • Getting stuck between two large pieces of equipment
  • Work-related car accidents

In addition to sudden accidents, workers could also sustain injuries that buildup over time. Common examples include repetitive stress injuries or respiratory illnesses from long-term exposure to toxic substances.

Regardless of the type of accident, a skilled local attorney could help an injured construction worker navigate the inevitable legal proceedings. A Levittown construction lawyer could investigate the circumstances of an accident and help an injured worker collect the compensation they deserve.

Legal Relief Options

Most construction workers may be eligible to file workers’ compensation claims, but in some situations, the injured party could file a third-party personal injury lawsuit.

Workers’ Compensation Claims

Pennsylvania law requires business owners to implement a workers’ compensation system that protects their employees from on-the-job injuries. One of the most beneficial features of a workers’ compensation system is that an injured employee does not need to prove that their employer is at fault after an accident. The Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation system features a no-fault statute, so an employee can recover benefits even if they caused the construction accident that resulted in an injury.

However, one of the biggest disadvantages of a workers’ compensation claim is that it suspends other legal options. Even if an employer’s negligence directly caused an accident, Pennsylvania law bars employees from filing a personal injury lawsuit. Employees must instead use only the workers’ compensation system.

Workers’ compensation benefits typically include reimbursement for reasonable medical expenses and a percentage of any lost wages. However, injured employees cannot recover damages for non-economic losses like pain and suffering.

Third-Party Personal Injury Suits

Although construction workers cannot file personal injury suits against their employers, they can pursue legal relief if a third-party is at fault for their injury. For example, if a defective piece of machinery malfunctioned and sparked a fire that injured a worker, the individual could file a product liability claim against the manufacturer of the faulty machinery. Injured workers can also pursue claims against the owners of rented equipment, property owners, or subcontractors.

A dedicated Levittown attorney could review the details of a construction site accident and help an injured worker collect compensation.

Contact a Levittown Construction Accident Injury Attorney Today

After a severe construction accident, you should not try and handle the legal elements of your case on your own. An experienced Levittown construction accident injury lawyer could help outline your legal rights and compile a strong case. They could stand up to large corporations and insurance companies to ensure that you receive the appropriate financial compensation. Do not hesitate to reach out. Call us today to get started on your case.


Best lawyer I ever had, she's a bulldog.
Excellent experience. Straight forward with no lawyer fluff.
Kaitlin was patient, informative and very helpful. A1 experience working with her!